Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Year's Resolutions!

1. New Years is a great reason for a fresh start.

2. One of my New Year's resolutions will be run a 5k with my sisters and Mom!!

3. A New Year's resolution I've made in the past was to work out!! lol

4. The most time consuming resolution I ever made was to workout 4 times a week.

5. This year I will be spending New Year's Eve with my hubby at home!!! :)
6. If I could wish one thing for my new year it would be to be a good mommy.

7. 2012 is going to be  filled with new adventures for our little family.

Friday, December 30, 2011

35 Weeks!

35 Weeks

Pregnancy Highlights:

Honeydew melon 5.25 lbs!!!

Weight: Still the same!
Movement: She is moving all the time!!
Cravings: Bacon & Eggs!!
Symptoms: Back pain and swollen hands and feet!

Sleep: I still get up a few times a night to go to the bathroom!

Best Moment of the Week: Finishing up her nursery and packing the bags for the hospital!!

Monday, December 5, 2011

31 Weeks!!!!

31 Weeks
Pregnancy Highlights:
 Little Harper is  the size of 4 naval oranges weighing in around 3.3 lbs and 18 in. long. 

What's Developing: Harper is gaining more weight as her baby fat is filling in underneath the skin. Her skin is also becoming less red and more pink! Her irises can dilate and respond to changes in light
Weight: Still the same!

Movement: She is moving all the time!!
Cravings: Chocolate cake!
Symptoms: The fatigue is definitely back and back pain!

Sleep: I still get up a few times a night to go to the bathroom!

Best Moment of the Week: Getting her bedding on her crib! It only took Kyle and I an hour! First time parents what can we say!!

Saturday, December 3, 2011


Alright I am officially addicted to Pinterest!! I seriously could spend all day on there!!! Here are a few of my favorite things I found this week!!

1. Cookie Dough Bites!! Yes Please!!!!!

2. Gallery Wall! I am so excited to get started on mine! Hopefully I will have it done before the baby comes!

3. HELLO LOVER!!! (in my best Carrie Bradshaw voice)  I need these!!

4. Obsessed with Infintiy Scarves!

5. Tim Tebow. Enough said!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

30 Weeks!!!

Pregnancy Highlights:
 Littel Harper is  the size of a head of lettuce weighing in around 3.2 lbs and 18 in. long. 

What's Developing: Her brain is working overtime! She can perceive all 5 senses now! She's also making faces, hiccuping, swallowing, breathing, and pedaling with her little hands and feet. 

Weight: Still the same!

Movement: I'm still feeling her move, but it is not as constant as it has been. 

Cravings: Popcorn and Crunch bars!

Symptoms: The fatigue is definitely back and back pain!

Sleep: I still get up a few times a night to go to the bathroom!

Best Moment of the Week:Harper's baby shower!! She is already loved by so many!! Her Aunt Timi and Aunt T did a great job (so did Nana)!!!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Life Update & Pinterest

I know I have been horrible about blogging! I am going to give you a quick Harrell update.
- Baby Harrell is doing good!! (Will do a 29 week update as soon as I let Kyle take a pic)
-Daddy Harrell is getting excited (I think) about Baby Harrell! I really don't think it will hit him until she is actually here.
-Mommy Harrell is ready for a margarita and to wear regular cute clothes again! I do love my maternity jean though!!!
We put up our Christmas decorations Saturday night! That was fun let me tell you! Kyle is the Grinch when it comes to putting up decorations! He gets so frustrated! At one point he was holding the tree upside down  shaking it, trying to  get it apart! I really should have taken a picture of that!! :)
We have a big week ahead of us! Thanksgiving, a baptism, and Baby Shower #1! We are excited to get to spend time with our families for Thanksgiving this week!!!

Alright I am addicted to Pinterest! I could seriously spend all day on there!! I am going to start sharing each week what I am obsessed that week!!!

1. Cheesey Garlic Breadsticks (Kyle would probably eat these!!) Will have to try these for sure!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

28 Weeks!

Pregnancy Highlights:

How Far Along: 28 weeks
Size of baby: 14.8 inches and 2.9 pounds
Gender: A GIRL!!! Harper Adele Harrell
Maternity Clothes: Oh yeah! 
Weight gain: 12 pounds
Movement: All day I get to feel her sweet kicks and movement! Love it!
Sleep: Getting up at least twice during the night to do to the bathroom!!
Symptoms:  I am so thirsty all the time

Friday, November 11, 2011

27 weeks!!!

Pregnancy Highlights:

How Far Along: 27 weeks--- Entering the 3rd trimester this week! :)
Size of baby: 14.4 inches and 2.3 pounds
Gender: A GIRL!!! Harper Adele Harrell
Maternity Clothes: Yes for all bottoms and still wearing a few non-maternity shirts if they are long enough! I used to think when pregnant girls said they were ready to wear their normal clothes again that they were crazy but I am almost to that point!
Weight gain: 10 pounds
Movement: Her movements have been so much stronger and more frequent! I feel her moving positions all the time. It's the craziest and best feeling ever! I felt her have the hiccups !!
Sleep: Waking up more in the night every couple of hours.
Symptoms: Tired all the time!!
Cravings: Just eating a lot of everything! I am snacking more than I did in the 2nd trimester.
Best moment this week: Making it to the 3rd trimester!

Friday, October 28, 2011

26 weeks!!

Size of baby: 14.2 inches and 1lbs 14 ounces- Will be 2 pounds this week!
Gender: A GIRL!!! Harper Adele Harrell
Maternity Clothes: Yes for all bottoms and still wearing some non-maternity shirts if they are long enough! 
Weight gain: 8 pounds
Movement: Everyday I feel my sweet girl and I just LOVE it! I could lay in bed all the time and just feel her kick!!
Symptoms: Back pain and heart burn!
Cravings: Just eating a lot of everything!
Best moment this week: Reading Harper my favorite Halloween Book "It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown" (Kyle thinks I am crazy, hahaha)

Pregnancy Highlights:

How Far Along: 26 weeks

25 Weeks

How Far Along: 25 weeks
Size of baby: 13.6 inches and 1.10 lbs
Gender: A GIRL!!! Harper Adele Harrell
Maternity Clothes: Yes for the most part!
Weight gain: 8 pounds
Movement: I can't believe how hard she is kicking the last few days! And it's all over my belly now.
Sleep: Waking up at least 3 times in the middle of the night to pee. Kyle says I snore now too :)
Symptoms: The lower back pain and heart burn!
What I miss: Margaritas!!!!
Cravings: Nothing in-particular but the appetite is growing daily!
Best moment this week: Her moving all the time!!!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

24 Weeks

Sorry I haven't taken a picture in a well! I feel huge!! I keep telling Kyle I don't feel pretty anymore!! hahaha

Pregnancy Highlights:

How Far Along: 25 weeks
Size of baby: 13.6 inches and 1.10 lbs
Gender: A GIRL!!! Harper Adele Maternity Clothes: Yes for the most part!
Weight gain: 8 pounds 
Movement: Miss Harper moves all the time. We went to the covered bridge festival on sunday, when I got home I sat down and she was moving non-stop!!
Sleep: Still getting up all the time to pee  and move around during the night to get comfy!
Symptoms: Back pain some days but other than that so far so good!
What I miss: Just the energy that I need to get through most work days!
Cravings: Nothing in-particular but the appetite is growing daily!
Best moment this week: Buying Harper some really cute bows at the Covered Bridge Festival!!!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

23 weeks

How Far Along: 23 weeks

Gender: A GIRL!!! Harper Adele Harrell
Maternity Clothes: Yes for the most part!
Movement: Feeling her move every day!
Sleep: I still wake up a few times a night to go to the bathroom. I try sleeping on my side, but always wake up on my back!
Symptoms: I haven't been sick this week!! AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
Cravings: I haven't really had any cravings at all. Kyle keeps asking me what I am craving, the only thing I can really think of that I want is a Big Mac!! haha (sooo very healthy I know)
What I am looking forward to: Finding fabric for Harper's nursery bedding that her Nana is going to make!

Size of baby: 11.5 inches and 1.1 lbs Size of a large mango
Weight Gain: +5 lbs in whole pregnancy. Can't decide if that is a good thing or a bad thing!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

22 Weeks!!

Pregnancy Highlights:

Size: Baby is the size of a spaghetti squash! She's also a pound this week! Forget ounces now! She should be around 8 inches long. 
What's Baby Doing?: She's developing and uses her senses like touching (grabbing the umbilical cord), hearing, tasting what I eat, and she's able to see. She's also hearing my heartbeat and our voices.  Better start censoring now!!

Movement: I feel her in the morning and at night for the most part. During the day I feel her a few times!
Sickness:   I had a rough night Monday morning was up from midnight-5 am getting sick. It was a bug not the baby, so we really can't blame that on her!
Weight Gain: I'm up +2 lbs from my start weight.  I can't really decide if that's a good thing or bad thing.
Cravings/Aversions: I was craving a Big Mac the other day, and I decided to splurge and have one and it was AMAZING!!!! hahaha
Looking forward to: Getting all of Harper's stuff from Thirty-One I ordered to put in her nurser

Sunday, September 25, 2011

21 Weeks and Updates!!!

Sorry I have been a horrible blogger!!!! I am finally getting around to it. Kyle asks me everyday "Have you updated your blog yet". A lot has happened since my last post. First off..........................................

           IT'S A GIRL!!!!
            Harper Adele Harrell

We are so excited!!!! Kyle has accepted the fact that he will be surrounded by pink his whole life. (2 sisters, 2 sister-in-laws, 4 nieces)  He is very excited!! My mom came up Tuesday to paint her room!! I am waiting to post pics of her nursery until we have everything completed!!!

I am going to start documenting the rest of my pregnancy week by week going forward.

21 Weeks

Size: Harper is the size of a banana! That's big!

Movement:I feel Harper move more and more each day! Kyle finally got to feel her "kick" for the first time on Friday night!!!

Mood & Feeling: I'm feeling great! I'm really enjoying being pregnant and getting more excited for baby every day. 
Cravings/Aversions: The only thing I have craved this week is Pizza Hut Buffet! (Wierd I know)

What's Baby Up To: Baby's drinking the amniotic fluid and can 'taste' what I eat! So right now, I am starting her on foods she will like and not like! Weird, huh? While she's doing this she is practicing swallowing and digesting.  Her arms and legs are now in proportion, neurons are connected between the brain and muscles, and cartilage throughout the body is turning to bone!

Best Moment of the Week: Painting Harper's nursery and Kyle feeling her kick!!

Weight Gain: I'm up +1 pound from my original weight. The doctor told me to eat more! I am OK with that!! haha  I'm definitely showing! I ask Kyle everyday if I look pregnant or fat.  I can mostly only fit into maternity pants but I'm wearing regular tops/larger tops/maternity tops.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Long Post!!

Alright it has been a while since my last post. Let's see I have a lot to blog about since then!!! I will go ahead and get started.

Aug 12- I had another Dr's Appt. I was 15 weeks. All they did was blood work and I finally got to hear the heartbeat. Strong heartbeat at 158 beats!!!! I was so excited that I finally got to hear the little one's heartbeat. I am not going to lie, I teared up a little. My next appointment is September 1st. They are hoping that they will be able to tell the sex of the baby!! We are patiently waiting that appointment!

Aug 13- We went to the State Fair with my family for the day. We had 4 tickets to the Sugarland concert. Kyle and I were the only ones who decided to go. Matt & Timi had grandstand seats that Matt got from a buddy.  We had awesome seats Row 17 on the track!! I was so excited once we got to our seats! I told Kyle I had never been that close before!!! I was super pumped for the concert! Sara Bareilles was awesome. After her set we waiting for Sugarland to come on!! The sky towards the west was getting really dark. Kyle kept asking what we are going to do if it rains. He says you know if it is raining you are going to have to run to get dry. I told him I didn't care I had a change of clothes! I really wanted to see Sugarland. Kyle was trying to pull up the radar on his iphone but he couldn't get any connection. The people sitting in front of us had talked to a State Trooper that said that storms were on the way and it was no way going to miss us and they left. Kyle kept trying to talk me into leaving. I kept saying my mom is going to be mad if I leave since she got us the tickets. ( My mom was very grateful Kyle was there and not her, because she would not have left) Finally someone came on the stage and told us that in case they had to evacuate to go across the street to the barns or Pepsi Coliseum.  About a couple of minutes after that annoucement a lot of people started to leave and Kyle finally talked to me to going across the street to wait it out. We got up and the wind really started to pick up. We were still in the infield and we heard the tarp on the stage and a few seconds later the whole stage started to collapse. Kyle grabbed my hand and we just headed to the exit. Everyone was pushing and running. We were scared we were going to get knocked down. On the track there are only 2 ways out. It was terrifying! We are all very grateful that we are all ok. Matt and Timi had left the grandstands as soon as they saw lighting. Once they heard the stage collapse, Matt ran back in to help! I just pray every night for the families of the victims! It was truely one of the most terrifying moments of my life. I am so glad to be here today!!!! I take each day at a time!
Here is the memorial that was outside the grandstand! It was very emotional being back at the fair! We went back on Tuesday after work and met my mom for dinner. (Love fair food)

On a much lighter note, my in-laws moved this weekend from Richmond to Fishers! So this past weekend we were busy helping them move, so we had very busy weekend!

Lastly, I am going to share some pictures my sister sent to me last week of the kids. These kids just light up my world.
                                                         Miss Haylee @ BWW'S

                                                     Rocky trying on Halloween Masks!!
                                                 Rocky's 1st Karate class!!!!!
                                           Haylee trying to get Kitty in her suitcase! (poor Kitty)
                                          Love this one!!!!
                                   Haylee in her brothers shoes and vest!

Friday night my wonderful hubby put hardware on our kitchen cabinets!!! It looks awesome!! (please excuse the tools on the island, clearly he was pretty pumped about the finished product)


Sorry it was such a long post!!! Please continue to pray for all the victims and their families of The State Fair Tragedy!! Until next time!!!


Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Rocky's 4th Birthday Party

My nephew Rocky turned 4 on Tuesday!!! We drove to Lafayette on Sunday to celebrate!!! My sister did an awesome job at throwing his Pirate Birthday Party!! Here are a few pictures of the day!!

Here is the Pirate Ship cupcake stand!! Too Cute Rocky loved it!

Here is my handsome 4 year old!! I still can't believe he is 4!!! I remember the day he was born!!! :)

I of course had to get a picture of my super sweet Haylee and Rocky in the background!

Still waiting on pics from my sis of our Wisconsin trip!!!

**Baby and I are doing good! Had a few rough mornings this week but all in all we are doing well!! Next appointment is August 12!

Until next time!!!


Saturday, July 30, 2011

Bump Picture

I broke down today and I took a picture of my bump!! Here it is!! This week while we were in Wisconsin my bump really started to come out!!!

It's little, but it is there!!!!

*** Next post I will post about our trip to Wisconsin! I left my camera in Noblesville, so I am waiting on pictures from my sis and mom!

Until next time!!!!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

1st post!

I am starting a blog to keep my friends and family updated throughout my pregnancy. I am currently 11 weeks along! We went to our 2nd appointment today. I have lost 5 lbs since our last appointment in June. Which is normal in the 1st trimester. I thought they were going to tell me that I gained like 20!!! hahaha I haven't been able to button my pants for the last week! I told Kyle I need to get pregnant more often because I lose weight! haha. The Dr was trying to find the heartbeat for our little one, but couldn't because my placenta is in the front. (normal ) He then pulled in a portable ultrasound so he could see the heartbeat. We got to see our little one!!! Kyle and I were both really excited! The baby was just hanging out moving it's little arms and legs!! It was so cute! We go back in 4 weeks for blood work and hopefully (finger's crossed) that we can hear the heartbeat this time!!! I am so ready for the 1st trimester to be over with. I have been sick in the morning!! A few times I have had to go in late to work because I just feel so bad!!! I am so ready to feel better again and enjoy my pregnancy and the next few months with my hubby just him and I!!! I will start posting pictures of my bump! We have a pretty chill weekend ahead of us! Next weekend we leave for Wisconsin Dells with the WHOLE family to celebrate my Grams and Pappy's 60th wedding anniversary!! I will be sure to post about the trip! Until next time!!!
