Friday, October 28, 2011

26 weeks!!

Size of baby: 14.2 inches and 1lbs 14 ounces- Will be 2 pounds this week!
Gender: A GIRL!!! Harper Adele Harrell
Maternity Clothes: Yes for all bottoms and still wearing some non-maternity shirts if they are long enough! 
Weight gain: 8 pounds
Movement: Everyday I feel my sweet girl and I just LOVE it! I could lay in bed all the time and just feel her kick!!
Symptoms: Back pain and heart burn!
Cravings: Just eating a lot of everything!
Best moment this week: Reading Harper my favorite Halloween Book "It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown" (Kyle thinks I am crazy, hahaha)

Pregnancy Highlights:

How Far Along: 26 weeks

25 Weeks

How Far Along: 25 weeks
Size of baby: 13.6 inches and 1.10 lbs
Gender: A GIRL!!! Harper Adele Harrell
Maternity Clothes: Yes for the most part!
Weight gain: 8 pounds
Movement: I can't believe how hard she is kicking the last few days! And it's all over my belly now.
Sleep: Waking up at least 3 times in the middle of the night to pee. Kyle says I snore now too :)
Symptoms: The lower back pain and heart burn!
What I miss: Margaritas!!!!
Cravings: Nothing in-particular but the appetite is growing daily!
Best moment this week: Her moving all the time!!!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

24 Weeks

Sorry I haven't taken a picture in a well! I feel huge!! I keep telling Kyle I don't feel pretty anymore!! hahaha

Pregnancy Highlights:

How Far Along: 25 weeks
Size of baby: 13.6 inches and 1.10 lbs
Gender: A GIRL!!! Harper Adele Maternity Clothes: Yes for the most part!
Weight gain: 8 pounds 
Movement: Miss Harper moves all the time. We went to the covered bridge festival on sunday, when I got home I sat down and she was moving non-stop!!
Sleep: Still getting up all the time to pee  and move around during the night to get comfy!
Symptoms: Back pain some days but other than that so far so good!
What I miss: Just the energy that I need to get through most work days!
Cravings: Nothing in-particular but the appetite is growing daily!
Best moment this week: Buying Harper some really cute bows at the Covered Bridge Festival!!!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

23 weeks

How Far Along: 23 weeks

Gender: A GIRL!!! Harper Adele Harrell
Maternity Clothes: Yes for the most part!
Movement: Feeling her move every day!
Sleep: I still wake up a few times a night to go to the bathroom. I try sleeping on my side, but always wake up on my back!
Symptoms: I haven't been sick this week!! AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
Cravings: I haven't really had any cravings at all. Kyle keeps asking me what I am craving, the only thing I can really think of that I want is a Big Mac!! haha (sooo very healthy I know)
What I am looking forward to: Finding fabric for Harper's nursery bedding that her Nana is going to make!

Size of baby: 11.5 inches and 1.1 lbs Size of a large mango
Weight Gain: +5 lbs in whole pregnancy. Can't decide if that is a good thing or a bad thing!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

22 Weeks!!

Pregnancy Highlights:

Size: Baby is the size of a spaghetti squash! She's also a pound this week! Forget ounces now! She should be around 8 inches long. 
What's Baby Doing?: She's developing and uses her senses like touching (grabbing the umbilical cord), hearing, tasting what I eat, and she's able to see. She's also hearing my heartbeat and our voices.  Better start censoring now!!

Movement: I feel her in the morning and at night for the most part. During the day I feel her a few times!
Sickness:   I had a rough night Monday morning was up from midnight-5 am getting sick. It was a bug not the baby, so we really can't blame that on her!
Weight Gain: I'm up +2 lbs from my start weight.  I can't really decide if that's a good thing or bad thing.
Cravings/Aversions: I was craving a Big Mac the other day, and I decided to splurge and have one and it was AMAZING!!!! hahaha
Looking forward to: Getting all of Harper's stuff from Thirty-One I ordered to put in her nurser