Sunday, September 25, 2011

21 Weeks and Updates!!!

Sorry I have been a horrible blogger!!!! I am finally getting around to it. Kyle asks me everyday "Have you updated your blog yet". A lot has happened since my last post. First off..........................................

           IT'S A GIRL!!!!
            Harper Adele Harrell

We are so excited!!!! Kyle has accepted the fact that he will be surrounded by pink his whole life. (2 sisters, 2 sister-in-laws, 4 nieces)  He is very excited!! My mom came up Tuesday to paint her room!! I am waiting to post pics of her nursery until we have everything completed!!!

I am going to start documenting the rest of my pregnancy week by week going forward.

21 Weeks

Size: Harper is the size of a banana! That's big!

Movement:I feel Harper move more and more each day! Kyle finally got to feel her "kick" for the first time on Friday night!!!

Mood & Feeling: I'm feeling great! I'm really enjoying being pregnant and getting more excited for baby every day. 
Cravings/Aversions: The only thing I have craved this week is Pizza Hut Buffet! (Wierd I know)

What's Baby Up To: Baby's drinking the amniotic fluid and can 'taste' what I eat! So right now, I am starting her on foods she will like and not like! Weird, huh? While she's doing this she is practicing swallowing and digesting.  Her arms and legs are now in proportion, neurons are connected between the brain and muscles, and cartilage throughout the body is turning to bone!

Best Moment of the Week: Painting Harper's nursery and Kyle feeling her kick!!

Weight Gain: I'm up +1 pound from my original weight. The doctor told me to eat more! I am OK with that!! haha  I'm definitely showing! I ask Kyle everyday if I look pregnant or fat.  I can mostly only fit into maternity pants but I'm wearing regular tops/larger tops/maternity tops.